HOHAI Technology's Dispute Killer system provides tailored chargeback handling solutions for users. Once the criteria are met, the system automatically initiates a refund, quickly and efficiently resolving chargeback disputes.
Why HOHAI’S Dispute Killer?
Personalized Refund Solutions
HOHAI Technology's Dispute Killer customizes exclusive refund solutions based on merchant conditions. Once the criteria are met, the system automatically initiates a refund, preventing chargebacks and saving significant time and effort.
Reduce Disputes and Financial Losses
With HOHAI Technology's Dispute Killer, pre-dispute cases are not counted toward the merchant's dispute rate
Helping merchants avoid fines and penalties while effectively reducing the additional costs caused by disputes.
Protect Merchant Credit
By optimizing chargeback rates, HOHAI Technology helps merchants maintain strong relationships with banks and payment networksImproving customer satisfaction and avoiding negative impacts due to unresolved disputes, ultimately protecting merchant credit.
Enhance Post-Purchase Experience
Merchants can resolve issues early in the dispute process, eliminating dispute blind spots. Through automated reviews and intelligent decision-makingHOHAI Technology effectively prevents chargebacks and optimizes the overall post-purchase experience for customers.